Mainly, money issues tend to be the reason many salons fail. You must make enough earnings to rent a space, pay all utility bills, pay to keep retail and professional supplies stocked, pay for insurance, pay your employees... and many, many other things. After all these cuts are made, a lot of salon owners realize they have made no profit. Typically, the first couple years of running a salon are not profitable, and this is discouraging to many salon owners. If there is a lot of competition in the area, becoming successful is even harder, because if things are not going well in your salon, clients may begin to stray, as well as your stylists if they think there are better opportunities out there. However, if you have a good strategy, patience, a flair for advertising, a group of loyal stylists willing to share this adventure, and a decent amount of money to start, it is possible to become a success. It just takes a lot of hard work, and many owners realize (too late) that they are not cut out for it.What are the negatives of opeing a hair salon?
if you mess up on anybody no one will ever go there.. also competition, i can only imagine, after going into some of these salons your gonna have to spend some big bucks decorating and remodeling it.What are the negatives of opeing a hair salon?
you have to touch old people.
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